Room 308 Bloomfield Building
Prof. Kinneret studies search behavior and related aspects of decision making from both psychological and economic point of views. She holds BA in psychology and economics from Tel-Aviv University (2004-2008, magna cum laude) and MSc and PhD in Behavioral Sciences from the Technion (2008-2014, summa cum laude). She spent two years as a post-doctoral fellow at Indiana University (2014-2016), and came back on March 2016 to start a faculty position at the Technion.
Kinneret’s main research deals with the interplay between optimal search and human behavior: Why people deviate from optimal exploration? When people do not search enough and when do they search too much? Kinneret studies both sides of the coin: (1) how computational and analytic optimal solutions to different search problems aid in understanding human cognition and behavior and also (2) how behavioral data can shed light on plausible efficient solutions. Additional questions relate to how people select their search strategies and how different contexts/environments factor into generating a set of available strategies to choose from.